Wedgetail MESA tech

May 24, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 

ELP has dug up an interesting video that details some of the technical aspects of the B-737 AEW Wedgetail’s sophisticated MESA radar.

ELP speculates that the Wedgetail may prove to be the affordable Sentry-replacement solution for a cash-strapped USAF. I don’t see this happening primarily because selecting the B-737 as an AEW platform would be a step back for the USAF in terms of mission capacity (internal volume, cooling & power for avionics & crew) and airborne duration. A more likely path is a further upgrade of the E-3 fleet with AESA radars until airframe fatigue renders their wholsesale replacement inevitable (as is currently happening with the KC-135 fleet).

The upcoming Polar War(s)

May 23, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · 2 Comments 

The Daily Mail has a nice layman’s overview of the political/military ramifications of the gradual melting of the polar ice caps, and the presence of large untapped oil reserves underneath them.

With billions of barrels of oil and a former superpower’s hurt pride at stake, it looks like the battle for the North Pole is ever more likely to be fought not by teams of lawyers, but the old-fashioned way, with a clash of Cold War hardware.

One may entertain the notion that the North Pole may become the next Middle East: A spot in the globe largely unknown and uncared about – until significant energy reserves are located on it.

(Hat Tip: Kobus)

IRST to be developed for Super Hornet

May 21, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 


After a long absence from airborne IRST systems (the last operational sensors were fitted on some F-4s and early F-14s), the USN looks set to get back into the arena of IRST sensors and related tactics: LockMart was awarded a development contract to develop an IRST for the F/A-18E/F:

“The IRST sensor system will provide next generation capability to counter emerging threats,” said Ken Fuhr, fixed-wing program director at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The ability to passively detect and track targets in the absence of radar capability is essential to the Warfighter. It’s all about seeing the enemy. If you lose sight, you lose the fight.”

The F/A-18E/F IRST is a passive, infrared sensor system that enables long-range detection and weapons-quality track of enemy targets under normal and electronic attack environments. The system enhances survivability and lethality in both offensive and defensive counter-air roles.

The USN has traditionally been more appreciative of the dangers of overreliance on radar in a heavy-ECM environment than the USAF, so it may be argued that this event comes as little surprise.

(Hat Tip: Kobus)

Iron Dome to be deployed by 2010

May 16, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 

Kobus points to a Jerusalem Post article that claims that the Israeli Iron Dome ATBM system will be deployed by 2010.


According to the same article, Iron Dome’s deployment is part of a multi-phase deployment of defences against ballistic missile and tactical rockets:

A second system, called David’s Sling and under development by Rafael and Raytheon to intercept medium-range rockets, would be operational within four years, he said. Shortly afterwards, the Arrow 3 – an advanced version of the current long-range system in IAF operation – would be declared operational.

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