New Command scenario: Annaba Constant

November 9, 2013 · Posted in Command 

Author – Mark Gellis


ATTN: Commander, Chateaurenault

You are instructed to initiate OPERATION ANNABA CONSTANT.


The war with the Algerian rebels continues.  Egypt continues to attempt to provide the rebels with weapons and other supplies.

We have received reliable intelligence that an Egyptian convoy is currently on its way to the Tunisian port of Tabarka.  Once the ships arrive, weapons and other war material will be smuggled across the border to Algiera.

We have received unconfirmed reports that Egypt has secretly flown two or three older military aircraft (most likely British Meteors) to Algeria and donated them to the rebel forces.


The Egyptians have at least one warship escorting the merchants.  They may also have smaller vessels in the area operating at scouts.


Your forces consist of the Chateaurenault and the Le Brestois.  Aircraft at Solenzara are available to assist you.


Locate and intercept the Egyptian convoy and inspect the merchants for contraband.  If the merchants are carrying contraband, seize those vessels and arrest their crews.

You are free to stop and inspect any other suspicious vessels you encounter.


Do not initiate hostilities with Egyptian vessels.  You are free to return fire if you are attacked.  Further, if you are attacked, you are instructed to place the crews of the merchant vessels under arrest and then sink the merchant vessels as a punitive action against Egypt.

If you encounter any rebel forces, you may fire on them at will.


Command: Chateaurenault

Signal: EMCON State C (Unrestricted Emissions)

Good luck.  Vive la France!


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