New Command scenario: Canarys Cage
by Miguel Molina
Spain vs. Northern Africa Islamic League
Date/Time: 12th October, 2005 / 12:00:00 Zulu
Location: Canary Islands / Moroccan Coast
Playable Sides: Spain
October 2005. Islamic extremist parties have come to power in several Arab countries. Algeria was the first, despite of the efforts of Western Allies on both sides of Atlantic to stop these regimes. Soon, all North African countries fell under the rule of N.A.I.L., Northern Africa Islamic League, including Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia and the surprisingly the pro-western Kingdom of Morocco.
Morocco, with the help from other NAIL countries, pressed her ancient claim of the African Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The relationship between Spain and Morocco had deteriorated sharply after Perejil Islot affair and the Western Sahara referendum. Spain answered by reinforcing her military at those two cities. But as the situation started to cool down, a secretly assembled NAIL amphibious force landed on the Canary Islands and captured the islands in spite of stiff resistance by local forces.
While politicians are discussing the invasion in the U.N. and NATO, Spain mobilizes her military forces to retake the islands.
Download it as part of the Community Scenario Pack HERE.
New Command scenario: Brother Against Brother
by Miguel Molina
Colombia vs. Venezuela
Date/Time: 11th July 2011 / 10:00:00 Zulu - 05:00:00 Local Time
Location: Colombia – Venezuela Border
Playable Sides: Colombia
Hypothetical conflict Colombia vs. Venezuela, historically several conflicts aroused since the independence and birth of these two republics, mainly due to territorial disputes. Lately the tension grew up driven by open unfriendly personal relationship of both countries presidents; Colombia claims that Venezuela is given cover to units of Colombian rebels crossing the border; Venezuela negates this, and is menacing president of Colombia with breaking all diplomatic contacts. New agreement between Colombia and the States to establish US bases in Colombia soil is seen by Venezuela as an open provocation. The seed for a war is sown.
Download it as part of the Community Scenario Pack HERE.