Return of the Kirovs?

September 24, 2009 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comment 


According to an unsourced reference, the Russian Navy is considering to bring its two mothballed Kirov-class cruisers back into service and possibly upgrade them.

This would probably also mean refuelling the ships’ nuclear reactors.

MAKS 2009 review

August 24, 2009 · Posted in Uncategorized · Comment 

Source: Kobus


MiG-35 to be procured by the VVS

August 7, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 

mig35w3ld1Ares reports that the VVS has pledged to procure both the Su-35S (no surprise) and the MiG-35S (surprise!) in the following years:

This is the first official confirmation of interest in the MiG-35, an updated version of the MiG-29 with extended range, increased combat payload and AESA radar. It boosts Russia’s chances in India’s 126-aircraft Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition. Two MiG-35 prototypes are to start customer evaluation trials for India in September. The first phase will take place in Russia, after which one aircraft will continue trials in India.

Upgraded versions of the classic MiG-29 so far haven’t shared the Flanker family’s phenomenal export success, so this may signal a turn of fortunes for the design bureau.

APA: SA-11/17 briefing

July 15, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 

HelItR ohjuspäivät

Australian Air Power has a detailed briefing on the ubiquitous SA-11/17 system. As usual, good tech description and useful doctrinal/operational context.

Hat tip: ELP

APA: SA-3 & SA-5 update

July 9, 2009 · Posted in Blogroll, Uncategorized · Comment 

Australian Air Power (Carlo Kopp’s two-man “think tank”) has updated briefings on two widely-employed SAM systems, the S-125 (SA-3) and S-200 (SA-5). Good tech stuff and useful doctrinal/operational context in there.

Links and videos courtesy of ELP.

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